I have an idea for a hobby project which performs some code analysis and manipulation. This project will require both the concrete and abstract syntax trees of a given source file. Additionally, bi-directional references between the two trees would be helpful. I would like to avoid the work of transcribing a grammar to construct my own lexer and parser.
Is there a standard format for describing either concrete or abstract syntax trees? Do any widely-used tool chains support outputting to these formats?
I don't have a particular target programming language in mind. Any popular one will do for a prototype, but I'd prefer one I know well: Python, C#, Javascript, or C/C++.
I'd like the ability to run a source file through a tool or library and get back both trees. In an ideal world, it would be practical to run this tool on code as it is being edited by a user and be tolerant of errors. Again, I am simply trying to develop a prototype, so these requirements are pretty lax.