



I know a lot of people on here were eagerly awaiting the Jesse Liberty / Tim Heuer book on Silverlight 2.

Amazon have just cancelled my pre-order, and I've noticed all mention of the book seems to have disappeared from the O'Reilly site, so I guess the book's a gonner.

Have any other books emerged as reasonable Silverlight 2 sources?

+2  A: 

I read Silverlight in Action and found it to be very helpful. Be careful though, because the style of this book is not for everyone. It's style is more like that of a reference manual. But this was perfect for me.

Kevin Babcock
I'm starting to wonder if Manning is the new O'Reilly...
Will Dean
I've just started reading Manning books and haven't found one I don't like yet. I currently have Silverlight 2 and LINQ in Action next to me on the desk.
Kevin Babcock
Interestingly, there's a very negative review of this book at - does any of that ring true?
Will Dean
Wow, that was quite a scathing comment the reader left. I didn't have that negative of an experience. Check out the reviews on the main Amazon site as well, there are several good (and a couple negative) reviews there.
Kevin Babcock
I think before buying this book you have to understand the way it was written. I find it to be a good reference because its content is chopped up into little sections, each containing a fragment of the whole picture. It's definitely not a step-by-step tutorial on how to build a Silverlight app.
Kevin Babcock
Kevin Babcock

I have just heard back from Jesse Liberty himself. It would be rude to quote the content of a private email, but an announcement on the book (which will be positive in nature) is coming shortly.

My reading between the lines suggests to me that if you want a Silverlight book in the next few weeks, you should not wait for this one.

Will Dean
+3  A: 

Here's what is on my bookshelf currently:

Hope this helps!

Tim Heuer
I just bought Data-Driven Services in Silverlight 2 by John Papa and it's great. Good recommendation!
Kevin Babcock