



I have a visual brush which is a group of shapes, the main colour of which is a dynamic resource itself - so the shape is for example MyShape and the Colour, MyColour which is referenced by the Shape object.
My problem is when I update the colour for this - it only happens the first time the shape is loaded (the colour needs to be set first) however as much as I change the colour it won't update the dynamic resource that uses the colour - how do I make this work?
Just need to make a dynamic resource work within another dynamic resource and have them both update when I change the colour.
I have no idea how to get this to work - I spent time creating a colour-picker for WPF only to find I cannot change the colour of this item - 1-Tier resources work where I set the brush/colour directly but not a colour within another object or 2-Tier Resource.

Edit: My problem seems to be specific to using these in a seperate Resource / Dictionary as my program needs to access this item from a class not the Window, the main example mentioned does not work when the MyColor is in a seperate Resource.

+1  A: 

Unless I misunderstand the situation, exactly what you're talking about works pretty well. I just tried it out with this Xaml:

<Window x:Class="ConditionalTest.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">

        <SolidColorBrush x:Key="MyColor" Color="Aqua" />

        <VisualBrush x:Key="MyBrush">
                <Ellipse Height="50" Width="100" Fill="{DynamicResource MyColor}" />
    <Grid Background="{DynamicResource MyBrush}">
        <Button Height="30" Width="Auto" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Content="ChangeColor" Click="Button_Click" />

And then changed the color in the click handler for that button:

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    ((SolidColorBrush)Resources["MyColor"]).Color = Colors.Purple;

And it worked like a champ.

Thanks for this - this does not work however when the Resource is in a Resource Dictionary this seems to be my problem I moved the resources to the Window.Resources like your example - this worked however this must be usable by a class in my software - will edit my question to mention this
My solution was to store the resource the Window.Resources as this example shows instead and this worked as your example did - but would still have liked to keep all resources in Resources.xaml, but it works and that is what matters.

Can you post an example of how you are attempting to change the color in the resource dictionary?

When I make a sample app and try to change the resource value it appears that the SolidColorBrush in the resource dictionary has been frozen so it can't be modified. To get around this I just set the new value to a new SolidColorBrush.

Caleb Vear
Creating a new brush each time would work however this negaates the use of a Dynamic Resource as recreating the resource each time for a complex shape with colour support is not as simple as Dim Item as New SolidColorBrush(MyColor).
If the brush has been frozen then the only way to change it is to make a new one. You can use the Clone method which will make a copy, that way you only have to change the properties you want to change. Can you post an example of how you tried to change the brush?
Caleb Vear

Wow, thanks MojoFilter. I've been trying to do this with ComponentResourceKeys and it never worked. So simple this way. I'm using it to set a common font size throughout my app. So there is a in my resource dictionary. This works for me as long as I merge my resource dictionary into all my windows.