




I'm moving from .NET Framework 2.0 to 3.5.

I'm not a big fan of LINQ. So beside of that and "extensions" what should I do know and take advantage of in .NET Framework 3.5?

+14  A: 

Lambdas, Type Inferance.. most of the underlying things that were created to support LINQ.

Why are you not a fan of LINQ?

EDIT: AS a followup, when I say LINQ I am not talking about LINQ to SQL I am talking about LINQ (Language Integrated Query). I think this distinction needs to be made in general as statements like "LINQ is Dead" are erroneous and should read "LINQ to SQL is Dead".

Quintin Robinson
+6  A: 

Ive become a fan of WCF: JSON/POX/SOAP...IPC, TCP, HTTP. its enough to make a programmer involved in cross platform communication drool

Same here, although WCF was a 3.0 feature... you have my vote anyway because Slough is moving up from 2.0.
ya, but JSON came in 3.5, before that it required some real hacking around to get it to work.
You can return JSON in .NET 2.0 with ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0
Russ Cam
+2  A: 
  • lambdas
  • All of the functions related to LINQ like .Where, .Except, .Intersect


  • var keyword

    var name = "hello world";
  • Shorthand Properties

    public string Name {get;set;}
  • Coalesce

    bob = bob ?? 55;
Tom Ritter
The coalesce operator has got nothing to do with .NET 3.5. In particular, it's a feature of the C# language and not of the framework.
Konrad Rudolph
+3  A: 

WPF has some potential.

+1  A: 

Well, if you are not a big fan of Linq, are you speaking of Linq2Sql? Because the capabilities of Linq2Objects is invaluable to me. Ditto for Extension methods. I can't go back, since using these features. And, if you don't use Linq, all of the IEnumerable<> extensions in the Linq namespace are invaluable to me.

Not to mention all of the stuff you get with .NET 3.0 (WPF, WCF, etc)

3.5 is a HUGE step up from 2.0

Brian Genisio

Extension Methods, Lambdas, Expression Trees.

Jaime Febres
+3  A: 

If you are interested in this topic and want to explore in some depth I very strongly recommend that you get a copy of Jon Skeet's C# In Depth. Every answer that you'll get here will be only part of the story whereas Jon's book walks you through C# 1 to 2 to 3 and shows you the application of new features in each release.

Update: The book is also available in O'Reilly's Safari. It is really a read and ponder kind of book, though, so I think that you'll prefer the deadwood version.

Mark Brittingham
+4  A: 

I suggest you take a look at the following two articles:

and if you're using C#, here's a list of new language features:

and finally for the ASP.NET developer:

There are so many new features, I'm sure you'll find one you like ;-)

Personally, I really like LINQ. It allows to rewrite a lot of code in a much more readable form, e.g. lots of multi-line foreach loops can be replaced with a simple (readable) LINQ version.


C# 3.0 language

Romain Verdier