Hi, I have seen this piece of code in an example via online using C#
DataTable dt = ds.Tables["employees"];
dt.Rows[0]["city"] = "Wilmington";
My question is what is the zero stands for? is it an ordinal index or not?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I have seen this piece of code in an example via online using C#
DataTable dt = ds.Tables["employees"];
dt.Rows[0]["city"] = "Wilmington";
My question is what is the zero stands for? is it an ordinal index or not?
Thanks in advance!
0 references to the first row of the datatable. (zero-based counting)
Look up DataTable on MSDN and check out the property Rows. It returns an instance of DataRowCollection.
It's not clear by the documentation, but non-array types can also implement the [] indexer. The DataRowCollection implements [int index] where index is the row to return. The collection can thus be accessed in the same manner as with an array, with the exception that this is a method call. It's for example not possible to pass return values from indexing methods as reference parameters.