we are generating a excel report and we need to sort the data programmatically before saving the file.
Is it possible to implement filter on a specific column i.e. sorting of a excel file programmatically using vb.net?
As per your suggetion, in order to generate excel report with sorting on specific column I just implemented the logic as below..
Dim MyRange As Excel.Range
MyRange = gobjExcelReportSheet.Range("A8", "L8")
MyRange.Sort(Key1:=MyRange.Range("L8"), _
Order1:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, _
Header:=XlYesNoGuess.xlGuess, _
MatchCase:=False, _
I tried this logic just before saving the file and even just after saving the file but it is not giving any result i.e. with sorting result or even I am not getting any error.
But the following code works....
But there is no option for sorting programmetically.
Please help me...