EDIT: I broke the cardinal rule of SO, I didn't answer the OP. Since there already is an accepted answer, I felt it prudent to warn.
As a rule, it's a very bad idea to mix SQL and PL/SQL. There are 2 separate engines for code. There's a SQL engine and a PL/SQL engine. Forcing thousands of switches back and forth will absolutely kill performance.
I understand why programmers want to do this. I get it. It's all encapsulately and warmy and fuzzy but it will sap you badly. Like nature it will seduce you with its sights and its sounds and then it will break your ankle.
Even something as stupid as this.
create or replace function my_Date (p_Date in date)
return varchar
return to_char(p_Date, 'yyyy/mm/dd');
Will Kill your execution time.
Turn turn on autotrace
then run these.
select to_char(created, 'yyyy/mm/dd'), to_char(last_ddl_time, 'yyyy/mm/dd') from all_objects
select my_date(created), my_Date(last_DDL_TIME) From all_objects
The second one takes twice the time to run. I get the answer to query 1 in 1 second and 2 in 2 seconds.
And this is AN EXTREMELY simple case... all I'm doing is casting values. Imagine if you have to join to it like you want to. That's really the worst case.
Now think of what the optimizer is completely unable to do when you hide things in a function.
When you do an IN, sometimes that far faster to do as a join. If certain conditions are true, the optimizer will do that for you. It will convert the IN to a JOIN. But because you've disguised the select inside a function, it can no longer determine if the conditions are ripe. You've FORCED the optimizer to do something sub-optimally.
One key statistic the optimizer relies on is rowcount. Is it one row or 1 billion. It knows from stats on the tables and the indexes. There are no stats on your function.
You can put them there, it possible to hint the cardinality, I'm not saying you can't, but why? Why would you want to? Seemingly you're using the function because you're a diligent programmer who has been told his whole life to factor redundant code into functions.
Those rules in your head, almost none apply to SQL. The optimizer is not a compiler. It can't Inline your function. Only you can help your optimizer get the best plan.