




I have a MySQL table of tasks to perform, each row having parameters for a single task.
There are many worker apps (possibly on different machines), performing tasks in a loop.
The apps access the database using MySQL's native C APIs.

In order to own a task, an app does something like that:

  • Generate a globally-unique id (for simplicity, let's say it is a number)

  • UPDATE tasks
    SET guid = %d
    WHERE guid = 0 LIMIT 1

  • SELECT params
    FROM tasks
    WHERE guid = %d

  • If the last query returns a row, we own it and have the parameters to run

Is there a way to achieve the same effect (i.e. 'own' a row and get its parameters) in a single call to the server?


I don't know about the single call part, but what you're describing is a lock. Locks are an essential element of relational databases.

I don't know the specifics of locking a row, reading it, and then updating it in MySQL, but with a bit of reading of the mysql lock documentation you could do all kinds of lock-based manipulations.

The postgres documenation of locks has a great example describing exactly what you want to do: lock the table, read the table, modify the table.

Locks are an overkill in this case. The solution above uses MySQL internal locking, thus is much faster.
Paul Oyster
I see your point....you don't need locks here...I'm not aware of a single call.
+2  A: 

You may create a procedure that does it:

CREATE PROCEDURE prc_get_task (in_guid BINARY(16), OUT out_params VARCHAR(200))

  DECLARE task_id INT;

  SELECT id, out_params
  INTO task_id, out_params
  FROM tasks
  WHERE guid = 0

  UPDATE task
  SET guid = in_guid
  WHERE id = task_id;



CALL prc_get_task(@guid, @params);

Tried something similar. Bottom line: native SQL queries are much much faster than stored procedures.
Paul Oyster
In MySQL there is not so much difference as, say, in Oracle. You can't do it in a single query anyway, but the procedure is one call to the server, just as you asked. With a little effort you can event put BEGIN and COMMIT into the procedure, but it's better be done from application, just in case.
So basically you are saying that it is not doable in a single call. I was hoping some form of INSERT INTO _tmp SELECT .. would be king enough to allow a mysql_store_results() call as it does allows mysql_affected_rows()
Paul Oyster
Calling a procedure IS a single call to the server, if that's what you mean. Calling mysql_store_result() after an INSERT has been long waited for but it's still unimplemented for now, AFAIK.

If you are looking for a single query then it can't happen. The UPDATE function specifically returns just the number of items that were updated. Similarly, the SELECT function doesn't alter a table, only return values.

Using a procedure will indeed turn it into a single function and it can be handy if locking is a concern for you. If your biggest concern is network traffic (ie: passing too many queries) then use the procedure. If you concern is server overload (ie: the DB is working too hard) then the extra overhead of a procedure could make things worse.

The concern is indeed the server overload. My hope was that since the update already 'seek()ed' to the row, a SELECT would be easier for the server within the same statement.
Paul Oyster