




Is llblgen just like codesmith?

Is there any tool out there that will create all the CRUD plumbing for you? And all queries on tables that you can filter by primary key (like Get a user by ID) or by foreign key (get user addresses by UserID if the address table has userID in it) etc.

DO code generators do more than the above?


"Is llblgen just like codesmith?" : In many ways, yes. [Frans Bouma is active on SO, I'm sure he will have some input]

MyGeneration is a free tool that can create all of your CRUD plumbing.

Mitch Wheat
would the downvoter please leave a comment. Thanks.
Mitch Wheat
It was me, as you can probably already imagine. And I left a comment, it just wasn't against you specifically :) Downvoted for suggesting they are similar (which I'm sure is obvious) and also because it didn't really answer his main question (neither did my post though, so, hard to throw stones there :)
Noon Silk

Take a look at VisualT4


No, it isn't.

CodeSmith is a generation tool. You still need to write the templates, as to how it will generate, and then all the relevant (and substantial) code related to querying/joining/updating/inserting/etc.

CodeSmith + NetTiers is a common 'DAL', but not a great one, IMHO.

LLBLGen is just beautiful, and definitely worth the money, IMHO.

Noon Silk
as I'm sure you are aware: you can also replace llblgen's templates
Mitch Wheat
Indeed, but LLBLGen is a lot more than just basic code generation. It's certainly similar to CodeSmith + NetTiers, but not CodeSmith alone, IMHO, anyway.
Noon Silk
Given that CodeSmith without templates would be pointless, I take Codesmith to mean "CodeSmith (+templates)"
Mitch Wheat
Not much point arguing about it.
Noon Silk
You clearly agree then, unless you want to explain how CodeSmith can be used for something without templates
Mitch Wheat