




I've been having trouble moving to directories with spaces in the name, but it I just figured it was a problem with Cygwin and worked around it.

Then I found that I could create symbolic links to those directories which made me maybe think it wasn't Cygwin. Then I remembered I created an alias for cd that would list the directory contents and saw this:

cdls { cd $1; ls; }
alias cd='cdls'

So the problem is when I try this it fails:

$ cd /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/
bash: cd: /cygdrive/c/Program: No such file or directory

I can see that the space is causing the path to be split into multiple arguments, but how do I join them together again?

+3  A: 

Quote it:

cdls { cd "$1"; ls; }

Quoting in bash can get hairy, since there's multiple levels of interpretation, but it's usually just a matter of playing with it a bit.

+1: Quote ALL paths in all shell scripts all the time. Always.
Aye. They might be optional to the parser, but not to me!
+1  A: 


cdls() { cd "$1"; ls; }
Greg Hewgill

Looks like I just needed to explain the problem for the answer to come to me. My solution is:

cdls () { cd "$*"; ls ; }
alias cd='cdls'


Peter Coulton
I wouldn't use $* in that alias; it will cause problems if you have a path with multiple spaces in it. Also, when using $*, you usually want to use "$@" instead, as it's more robust.