




Please advise on the easiest learning path, as well as simple mocking library to start with.

+11  A: 

Try Stephen Walther's excellent article here:


EDIT: And I would advise that you do start with Rhino mocks as it does seem to the be the current defacto standard.

The only thing I would say against that article is that it's quite old and so uses the record-replay syntax that I find much harder to use (and pick up) than the AAA style.
Garry Shutler
@Garry Shutler - That's a good point. Here's a link to the new style syntax: http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2008/05/16/Rhino-Mocks--Arrange-Act-Assert-Syntax.aspx
+1  A: 

Perhaps you should try NMock.

+2  A: 

I would strongly recommend using Rhino Mocks. It is, in my opinion, the best and easiest to use mocking framework out there.

It has support for the Arrange-Act-Assert syntax which for me is the most logical way of setting up and using your mock objects. This article is a decent primer on how to use it.

Garry Shutler
+4  A: 

I'm actually trying to get up to speed with mocking myself, and I've found that MOQ seems to be a little more intuitive than Rhino Mocks (if you're comfortable with lamdas and are using .NET 3.5).

Phil Haack compairing MOQ with Rhino Mocks: http://haacked.com/archive/2008/03/23/comparing-moq-to-rhino-mocks.aspx

Quick Start page on Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/moq/wiki/QuickStart

Ben Anderson
+1 for Moq, especially if you are familiar with or want to become more familiar with lambdas.
I think Moq is generally a diversion before you have to suck it up and move on to Rhino mocks anyway.
string mockingStatement = "You've got a face like a bulldog licking p!ss off a nettle!";
+1, except it won't compile!mockingStatemnet, undeclared identifier ;)
Adam Naylor
+2  A: 
  mocking_statement = "Your mother is an hamster and your father smells of elderberries!";

Response.Write (mocking_statement);


Ah, it's a sorry state of affairs when programmers don't recognise Monty Python quotes. :-(
@Skizz I voted you +1, because I think it's a shame that some people on here have seemingly zero sense of humour.
Sense of humor varies greatly among cultures, so please take it into account. What can be funny for a russian can be severly offensive to an american, and vice verca.
Valentin Vasiliev
I think that one must accept that there will be cultural misunderstandings when using this site. I didn't check your nationality before posting, so you might not have known of alternate forms of the verb 'to mock'. I find the name of the SCC 'git' offensively amusing, it's an abusive term in UK.