The other day, needed to iterate over a subset of an array at a time. Initially, I did this with splice - tearing apart the array was no problem in this case. It would return N elements at a time, or whatever was left at the end of the list. All went well.
Then it turned out I needed the array later. Instead of splice, I switched to array slices. BOOM! The program exploded, sending a stack overflow everywhere. What? Why? How? I played around with it, and found a couple variants that would work. Here's the test script to demonstrate this problem:
use strict;
use warnings;
my @array = qw(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v z x c v b a s d f g a s d f a se g);
my $numPerTest = 5;
my $index = 0;
print "Separating out the subset before grepping it, good.\n";
while ($index < @array)
print "Iteration $index\n";
my @subset = @array[$index..($index+$numPerTest)];
@subset = grep { defined $_ } @subset;
$index += $numPerTest;
$index = 0;
print "Making a copy of the array before grepping works.\n";
while ($index < @array)
print "Iteration $index\n";
my @subset = grep { defined $_ } @{[ @array[$index..($index+$numPerTest)] ]};
$index += $numPerTest;
$index = 0;
print "Grepping the array slice directly, explodey!\n";
while ($index < @array)
print "Iteration $index\n";
my @subset = grep { defined $_ } @array[$index..($index+$numPerTest)];
$index += $numPerTest;
(Actually, I just figured this one out, but I figured I might as well post it anyway. See if anyone else sees it. :) )
(Also, if you don't see it, this has another way of explaining why it happens.)