Would like to read RSS in VIM, but I haven't found a plugin out there.
You guys have any idea?
Would like to read RSS in VIM, but I haven't found a plugin out there.
You guys have any idea?
Is there a particular reason it needs to be inside vim? There are multiple full-featured console RSS readers available such as newsbeuter.
don't, it's not emacs.
maybe try feed2imap or rss2email to read rss items in your favorite mail client (e.g. mutt)
Did you try:
:e http://whatever.com/feed_url
On my (Linux) system this uses links
to dump the page to a temp file and reads it into Vim read-only. It's not pretty but it's semi-readable. See :h g:netrw_http_cmd
But yeah this sounds more like an Emacs thing. Vim is just a text editor. :)
There is a plugin for firefox - Vimperator (courtesy of gpojd) - which enables you to use firefox with vim shortcuts and the like. Makes a significant change to the interface.
I just used feedparser.py in http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2147 to get a trac servers timeline view. You need to have it installed and +python in your vim install. Although there probably other language libraries you can try if you're a ruby/perl guy.
A bit of vim script knowledge and you're there (check out the link above and steal what you need). And feel free to do whatever you damn well please with your own vim install :)
Edit: rather than dredge through that code... heres a condensed version for your vimrc you can expand on and make prettier
fun MyFeed(feed)
set buftype=nofile
python b = vim.current.buffer
python import re
python import feedparser;f = feedparser.parse(vim.eval('a:feed'))
python for i in f['items']: b.append('%s {{{1 %s' % (str(i.title), str(i.link)));
\b.append(str(re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '',i.summary_detail.value)).split("\n"))
setlocal textwidth=120
norm gggqGgg
set foldmethod=marker
com VimRssFeed call MyFeed("http://stackoverflow.com/feeds/question/566656")
com Slashdot call MyFeed("http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot")
com MyStack call MyFeed("http://stackoverflow.com/feeds/user/59592")
Make sure you have http://www.feedparser.org/ installed