




Is it worth to buy this book now as a reference or should I wait for the next edition that might come once .NET 4.0 is released (when?)? Do you know if it will come out any time soon?

I hear great recommendations about it, and I am considering buying it.

+1  A: 

The 4.0 vrsion isn't likely to be out for at least another year. You have to take a stand and buy at some point (if you want to buy that is), otherwise you'll always be waiting for "the next version".

Mystere Man
agreed...the books is on its way...
+4  A: 

If you wait, then the next question will be "Should I wait for NET 5.0" etc. etc. Books are always going to be out of date, so either just buy it or get a subscription to Safari.

Might as well..I will buy it, as I hate reading books off the computer screen
@nzpcmad: my thoughts exactly.
Sung Meister
+2  A: 

Buy the "current version" book and follow the various blogs out there for the updates and new features being added.


I assume you dont like reading online, I have seen some people get hold of a digital copy (like pdf) and print portions of it. Make sure to recycle if you decide to dump the printouts. You could take printouts from MSDN too !


I wouldn't wait for a .NET 4.0 / C# 4.0 version, especially as Essential C# 3.0 was only published relatively recently, whereas C# 3.0 has been out for well over a year. I haven't got round to reading my copy yet, but the parts of the v2 version that I read were excellent.

Jon Skeet