





My DOM looks like this:

<div class="stuff">
  <a href="#"><img src=""></a> <b>hello</b>
  <a href="#"><img src=""></a>

Sometimes I have a reference on the first image, and sometimes on the second image.

  1. When I have the first image using $() how do I select the second image?
  2. When I have the second image using $() how to I select the 1st image?
+1  A: 
  1. .parent().nextAll("a").children("img")
  2. .parent().prevAll("a").children("img")

This is a fairly inelegant way to accomplish it, but it's quite explicit as to what you're looking for - almost like XPath. Once you start dealing with more than two links, you may find a technique such as those described by Ben Alpert or cletus to be more flexible (less dependent on a strict hierarchy).

This is less than ideal.
Yeah. But, he's only dealing with 5 elements; ideal doesn't buy you much. I liked your answer though.
+2  A: 

Given myImage as a reference to one of the images, $(".stuff img").not(myImage) should give you the other (or others, if you have more than two images).

Ben Alpert
++I like this one.
+2  A: 

You can get the other in both cases with:


or just:

$("div.stuff img").remove(this);
I removed my answer because this is the same thing and I misread the example as being with an id :)... Personally I prefer .not(selector_or_element) to .remove because remove feels like it's a DOM manipulator.
Er, hate to break it to you but it's ALL DOM manipulation.

You should be able to use something along the lines of


This will return the anchor tags which can be used to access the images. The second is nth-child(3) because nth-child(2) will return the bold tag. The ideal way though would be to apply a class or id to each image or anchor.

Steven Surowiec
+1  A: 

Take a look at the jQuery eq selector.

var first = $('.stuff img:eq(0)');
var second = $('.stuff img:eq(1)');