



Are there any tools, or 'best practices' for creating Migrations on MSSQL? I have a Dev & Production database, and the Dev one often has new SPROCs created, and occasionally the structure is added to. I'd like to be able to write a set of scripts during each iteration which will update the Dev server, then execute all the scripts at release time to update Production. In ruby I can do this with migrations - is there an equivalent?

+3  A: 

There are a few:


For what it's worth, my favourite of these is Fluent Migrator.

Garry Shutler
I'm sure I can get one of those working :-) Cheers! Don't suppose anyone knows of any Java-based ones? (I know, Java + MSSQL - wasn't my choice..)
Robert Wilson
Ah, I assumed you were on .NET
Garry Shutler
That's ok - most people would.. Not to worry, our backend stuff doesn't have to be Java, so I'm sure it'll be fine.
Robert Wilson