I'm at a business college where we're doing a unit on presentations. Everyone's been asked to pick a topic and do a 2-minute presentation on that topic. I believe I'm the only programmer in the place, so I was thinking of doing a very simple presentation in which I write some very small programs and run them to show the output on the projector.
Here's what I was thinking of including:
Write a quick program which just prints a string, much like
hello world
but the actual string displayed would be something more amusing to get their attention.Another quick program which would basically add up two variables, e.g:
x=10; y=20; z=x + y; print(z);
And a final program which loops through 1-100 and displays the number, e.g:
x=0; while (x <= 100) { x=x+1; print(x); }
But it might be better if there were any more amusing/interesting example programs which could be written in a 2 min duration and which would catch their attention better.
Any ideas?