I'm running Vista 64 box, and attempting to setup Joomla using IIS7 (I like Joomla, I want to have some asp.net components on my web site, so that's why I want to use IIS7 and not Apache). It's my first time installing both php and mysql, so it's very possible that I'm doing something obviously wrong... though I think I tried enough diagnostic steps (described below) that there's nothing obviously wrong to me...
I installed PHP (32 bit, 5.2.8), and that seems to work ok: I got a test.php that displays phpinfo in an IIS7-served web page.
I also installed mySQL (32 bit, 5.1.31, downloaded from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html#win32 ). That seems to work fine too (I can connect to it using MySQL Administrator).
I've setup php.ini and what not to turn on the mySQL extension. If I do php -m from the command line I see mysql in the list. However, with phpinfo (either from the command line (php -info) or served via IIS (in a test.php file)), there is no mysql section. Because mysql is not even showing up in the command-line call of php, I don't think this has anything to do with IIS -- just an install of mysql & php on vista.
I didn't install mysql 64bit because I have an 32bit install of php, and since mysql 32 bit seems to work fine I assume that's not the issue. It seems there is no official 64bit version of php so that's why I installed that (and again, that seems to work fine).
I currently have UAC disabled, so that's not the issue.
If I put the semi-colon back in front of extension=php_mysql.dll in my php.ini then when running php -m, the mysql module doesn't show up. If I take it out again then it shows up. So I'm at least certain I'm modifying the right php.ini .
I've copied libeay32.dll, libmysql.dll, and php_mysql.dll to c:\windows\system32. I've taken them out and that doesn't seem to make a difference to the output of php -m (i.e., mysql still shows up there if the module is uncommented from php.ini).
I also tried copying the dlls ibeay32.dll, libmysql.dll, and php_mysql.dll to c:\windows\sysWOW64; that made no difference.
It seems like the smallest positive step would be for mysql to show up when running php -info from the command line. Is there any further thing I should try to figure out why mysql is showing up in php -m and not with php -info? Or am I off track as using this to gauge whether php can talk to mysql?