



I would just like a few things that you guys see as bad programing practices in pure C, so I can watch out for those.

+1  A: 

About the only thing I can think of off the top of my head:

  • Frequent use of goto
17 of 26
`goto` is the bomb
Matt Joiner
+7  A: 


Geoffrey Chetwood
Yeah, I know the list is numbered incorrectly, but it looks fine in the editor. What can I say?
Geoffrey Chetwood
The link is helpful. Copying and pasting the entire (copyrighted) work and posting it as your own isn't. It's not fair use, it's plagarism (even with the attribution).
I won't comment on whether or not it is plagiarism with the link right there. Regardless I would say that it falls into the lame category.
Agreed, just citing a source is not good enough.
Totally agree. **Especially** when the formatting isn't as good as the original.Jees, just post the link!
Rob Wells
By popular demand...
Geoffrey Chetwood
+4  A: 

How to write unmaintainable code. Don't do it.

Rob Rolnick
+1  A: 

More of an editorial note... "Bad programming practices" are sometimes referred to as anti-patterns. You could start a tag for that.

+10  A: 

Just violate any of The Ten Commandments for C Programmers.

Rob Wells
He ought to make that readable and stop trying to be funny. Sounds like someone on usenet in 1995.
^^ Exactly. I think of any number of colleagues of mine who speak English as a second language and cringe.
Nik Reiman
Frank Szczerba
They should be numbered 0 to 9.
I'd give this one ten votes if I could.
C Johnson
+12  A: 

Embedding extern declarations in C files, instead of using header files:

extern void foo(int a, int b);
foo(1, 2);

In the future when somebody changes the implementation of foo, to take a third argument for example, the compiler won't complain because this code matches the prototype. At runtime whatever garbage happens to be in the third argument register will be passed to foo. Hijinks ensue.

+4  A: 

C Traps and Pitfalls by Andrew Koenig is a very good reading on this subject.

I believe it can be downloaded for free as well but I don't have a direct link.

+1  A: 

While some might disagree, I would say write code which compiles cleanly in both a C and C++ compiler. While some bits of C that break in C++ are annoying (can't use new, delete, or a bunch of other new keywords), C++ also enforces a bunch of extra checks, in particular making sure all your function prototypes match up neatly.

Of course if you do this, make sure you don't end up drifting into C++ code by accident, Unless you don't really need to stick to C of course.

Chris Jefferson
I try to do that. My biggest pet peeve is the requirement that one add a lot of glue to an enum to make it work like an int "again".
+3  A: 

I would turn the question around as there can be no real answer to your question. This is because there are so many "bad practices". Perhaps a rephrase is in order: "How will I know good C programming practices so I can know good code from bad when I see it?"

THAT we can help answer.

The most fundamental answer is; good code is like beauty - I know it when I see it even if I can't necessarily describe all its manifest forms.

A good rule of thumb for any and all programming languages is: Can I understand what's going on without being the most expert person?

A good programmer leaves those that follow - most often themselves - with many bread-crumbs to follow, leaving notes behind that describe why and how something is being done instead of just what; this is a key hallmark of a good coder.

One case in point was a bug I found due to use of single versus two digit month. The problem was not the overall logic it was that a library call that was going to convert the two digits into an integer was interpreting the leading zero as an indication that it was receiving an octal input! No, it was just a leading zero, and octal worked fine for most months, and when it got to October, it worked properly once more!... So, rather than just fix it, I left the bread-crumb comment behind why there was extra code and why the former code didn't work...

Bad code doesn't do that, and that's one easy way to tell good C (etc) programming from bad.

Richard T