This might seem like a basic question and back to Http protocol 101. But I am having difficulty in understanding how Basic Authentication works. I am implementing a windows service and need it to be secure. I would like to obtain the user name and password and authenticate the user to a custom user store. I also want to minimize the number of login calls, as a login call represents a call to our SQL server. What I have started so far is something like this:
The way I see it the UserAuthorized function has to make my custom login call. But, I don't want to have to do that every single time. Does basic authentication maintain if you are logged in, or is there a caching thread safe solution that I should explore.
Oh yeah I'd also like to make it so that when a user is authenticate and object is created and maintained in the thread for the listener to refer to on subsequent callbacks for a user/connection. But since ListenerCallback is static I'm not sure how this can be accomplished.
Thanks in advance for any help, I truly appreciate it and StackOverflow.
public void ThreadProc() {
string uriPrefix = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ListenerPrefix"];
HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();
listener.AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Basic;
Console.WriteLine("Start listening on " + uriPrefix);
Console.WriteLine("Press Control-C to stop listener...");
while (listening) {
IAsyncResult result = listener.BeginGetContext(new AsyncCallback(ListenerCallback), listener);
public static void ListenerCallback(IAsyncResult result) {
HttpListener listener = (HttpListener)result.AsyncState;
HttpListenerContext context = listener.EndGetContext(result);
WebDavEngine engine = new WebDavEngine(context.User);
context.Response.SendChunked = false;
FileLogger.Level = LogLevel.Debug;
engine.IgnoreExceptions = false;
if (UserAutorized(context)) {
try {
engine.Run(context, listener.Prefixes);
} catch {
} finally {
} else
context.Response.StatusCode = 401;
if (context.Response.StatusCode == 401)
ShowLoginDialog(context, context.Response);
try {
} catch {
// client closed connection before the content was sent
private static bool UserAutorized(HttpListenerContext context) {
HttpListenerBasicIdentity identity = (HttpListenerBasicIdentity)context.User.Identity;
if (!identity.IsAuthenticated) {
string username = identity.Name;
// workaround for Windows Vista Basic authentication. User name may be submitted in the following format: Machine\User.
int ind = username.LastIndexOf('\\');
if (ind > 0)
username = username.Remove(0, ind + 1);
Console.WriteLine("Trying Authentication since identity is NOT authenticated");
return false;
} else {
Console.WriteLine("identity.IsAuthenticated: " + identity.IsAuthenticated.ToString());
return identity.IsAuthenticated;
EDIT: +1 for the document alone, that really opened my eyes to the caparison of authentication schemes and how they work. Unless I a readying this wrong, it does appear that a Digest scheme might be able to maintain a "session" or at least an expiration to retry my custom authentication.