I have a simple grails file upload app.
I am using transeferTo to save the file to the file system.
To get the base path in my controller I am using
def basePath = System.properties['base.dir'] // HERE IS HOW I GET IT
println "Getting new file"
println "copying file to "+basePath+"/files"
def f = request.getFile('file')
def okcontents = ['application/zip','application/x-zip-compressed']
if (! okcontents.contains(f.getContentType())) {
flash.message = "File must be of a valid zip archive"
render(view:'create', model:[zone:create])
if(!f.empty) {
f.transferTo( new File(basePath+"/files/"+zoneInstance.title+".zip") )
flash.message = 'file cannot be empty'
println "Done getting new file"
For some reason this is always null when deployed to my WAS 6.1 server.
Why does it work when running dev but not in prod on the WAS server? Should I be accessing this information in a different way?