



I am trying to set value of referer parameter of httpwebrequest header, but it is giving error-

Function that I am using (C#):

webRequest.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.Referer, "");


Invalid parameters. A required parameter is not found or contains invalid value.
+1  A: 

Try this method from MSDN If you post your code I can better help you out.

HttpWebRequest    myHttpWebRequest=(HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(myUri);
// Set referer property  to .
// Assign the response object of 'HttpWebRequest' to a 'HttpWebResponse' variable.
HttpWebResponse myHttpWebResponse=(HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse();
// Display the contents of the page to the console.
Stream streamResponse=myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader streamRead = new StreamReader( streamResponse );
Char[] readBuffer = new Char[256];
int count = streamRead.Read( readBuffer, 0, 256 );
Console.WriteLine("\nThe contents of HTML page are.......");    
while (count > 0) 
    String outputData = new String(readBuffer, 0, count);
    count = streamRead.Read(readBuffer, 0, 256);
Console.WriteLine("\nHTTP Request  Headers :\n\n{0}",myHttpWebRequest.Headers);
Console.WriteLine("\nHTTP Response Headers :\n\n{0}",myHttpWebResponse.Headers);    
// Release the response object resources.
Console.WriteLine("Referer to the site is:{0}",myHttpWebRequest.Referer);
Chris Ballance

i have already tried solution i.e. given is msdn. thats not working for me and also tried below code but it is also not working for me.

webRequest.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.Referer, "");

kedar kamthe
+1  A: 

There are some reserved HTTP Headers which you can't set via webRequest.Headers.Set Referer is one of them.

For these there is always a special property to set.

In your case webRequest.Referer = "" will do.

dr. evil

@kedar kamthe, you can't put HttpRequestHeader.Referer in there, because that is expecting a value, I believe, but not sure... I think you wanted to use this:

webRequest.Headers.Set("Referer", "");

But you should use it as Chris Ballance's example. That should work, but if that doesn't work, just try as I show above ;).

You should put your code here, so we can see what is wrong.

Bruno Costa
+1  A: 

Here is typical use:

HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
req.Referer = "";

Show your code.
