I have a C# class library that contains methods that need to be used with an external application. Unfortunately this external application only supports external APIs in C/C++.
Now I've managed to get a very simple COM example working between a C++ dll and a C# DLL, but I am stuck on how I can move around array data.
This is what I've got so far, just as a little example I found on the web of communicating via COM:
DLL_EXPORT(void) runAddTest(int add1,long *result) {
// Initialize COM.
HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
// Create the interface pointer.
IUnitModelPtr pIUnit(__uuidof(UnitModel));
long lResult = 0;
// Call the Add method.
pIUnit->Add(5, 10, &lResult);
*result = lResult;
// Uninitialize COM.
This works fine to call the add method in my C# class. How can I modify this to take and return an array of doubles? (ill also need to do it with strings down the line).
I need to take an unmanaged array , pass this array to a C# class for some calculations, and then pass it back the results to the array reference specified in the original function call (unmanaged) C++.
I'll need to expose a function like this:
*calcin - reference to array of doubles
*calcOut - reference to array of doubles
numIN - value of size of input array
DLL_EXPORT(void) doCalc(double *calcIn, int numIn, double *calcOut)
//pass the calcIn array to C# class for the calcuations
//get the values back from my C# class
//put the values from the C# class
//into the array ref specified by the *calcOut reference
I think I can use a C++\CLI DLL for the external application so if this is easier than straight COM then i'll be willing to look at that.
Please be gentle as I am primarily a C# developer but have been thrown in the deep end of Interop and C++ .