I have following file:
<Product desc="Household">
<Product1 desc="Cheap">
<Producta desc="Cheap Item 1" category="Cooking" />
<Productb desc="Cheap Item 2" category="Gardening" />
<Product2 desc="Costly">
<Producta desc="Costly Item 1" category="Decoration"/>
<Productb desc="Costly Item 2" category="Furnishing" />
<Productc desc="Costly Item 3" category="Pool" />
I want to find out info like: Total items in Cheap and Costly, list of all category (like Cooking, Gardening, DEcoration...), list of sorted category and select only the Product which is 'Costly'
How can i do using LINQ. I did this till now:
XElement xe = XElement.Load(Server.MapPath("~/product.xml"));