



I created a SDF (SQL CE) database with Visual Studio 2008 (Add / New Item / Local Database).

Is it possible to edit this database with SQL Server Management Studio? I tried to attach it but it only offered .mdf and attaching a .sdf file results in "failed to retrieve data for this request".

If so, is it possible to create SDF files with Management Studio as well? Or are we stuck with the simple interface of the Visual Studio 2008 database manager?


Were you using Management Studio 2005, or 2008? It should work in 2008 if you create a SQL CE 3.5 database ... just not in 2005.

When I tried to open up a CE sdf in 2008 studio I get an error "There is no editor available for xxxx.sdf"
+2  A: 
  • Management Studio 2005 supports SQL CE 3.0.
  • Management Studio 2005 SP2 supports up to SQL CE 3.1.
  • Management Studio 2008 supports up to SQL CE 3.5 SP1

I think Management Studio Express 2008 does not support SQL CE databases.

+3  A: 

You can create .sdf files with SQL2008 management studio

In the File > Connect Object Explorer dialog change server Type dropdown to SQL SErver Compact Edition and then in Database File dropdown choose and you're ready to go




*In the File > Connect Object Explorer dialog change server Type dropdown to SQL SErver Compact Edition and then in Database File dropdown choose and you're ready to go.

There is no such option in the drop down


Dear all,

I have Sqlserver 2005 Express Edition only. and VS 2005. How to i create my .sdf file. and how to create tables in that file...

I am developing a SmartDevice Application. if any possible to access the Sql server 2000 DataBase without using .SDF file.

Note: in my system i have VS 2005, SQL SERVER 2000, SQL SERVER 2005 Express Edition. And aslo i installed MS-SQL SERVER 2005 Compact Edition Developer SDK[ENU].

In my Sql server 2005 Studio, there is no any sqlserver compact edition in the EngineType Combo.

what are the things i need to do.. to perfectly run my application with Data Base.

Thanks, Thanks for previous one also.
