





I have started develping database for machineries performance mgt system Facts:
1.A machine(platNo,model,name) can work on several cane fields(fieldNo,fieldNo) - machine vs field 2.Many machineries can work on a cane field 3.A machine can do tasks for many userDept(deptId,deptName) 4.A userDept demands several machines for its activity{A task can be done on several cane fields; plowing,land shaping,etc can be done on field 1, 2, 3...- task vs field, Many tasks can be done on a field; on field 1 , plowing ,harrowing,... can be done - task vs field?/?} 5.A machine can do for many userDept; lpcd(using its machine) can do the same type of work (e.g.: plowing) for plantation, rehabilitation and expansion projects. - task vs userDept 6.Much type of tasks can be done for a userDept; plowing, harrowing,... can be done for plantation- task vs user 7.A machine works in three shifts(1 -to- 3)

Problem : please help me in designing the ER!! Thanks, Dejene


So let us see what you tried and what the exact problem is? Which entities do you propose? Which attributes and which relations?

Jens Schauder

I'll assume platNo can be used as a unique identifier for a machine. There are quite a few possibilities depending on rules that you have left ambiguous - e.g. some of the following relations may not be required or may need to be modified:

MACHINE (platNo, model, name) - represents each machine

FIELD (fieldNo) - represents each cane field

TASK (taskId, taskName) - represents the various tasks (e.g. plowing, harrowing) that can be done by any machine

USERDEPT (deptId, deptName) - represents each department

PROJECT (projId, projName, deptId) - represents each project for each department (e.g. plantation, rehabilitation, expansion)

SHIFT (shiftNo) - represents the shifts that any machine might be assigned to

MACHINE_FIELD (platNo, fieldNo) - represents the fact that a particular machine can work on a particular cane field

MACHINE_TASK (platNo, taskId) - represents the fact that a particular machine can perform a particular task

PROJECT_REQUIREMENT (projId, taskId) - represents the fact that a particular project (for a particular department) requires a particular task

MACHINE_ASSIGNMENT (projId, taskId, shiftNo, platNo) - represents the fact that a particular machine has been assigned to perform a particular task on a given shift

Jeffrey Kemp