I am new to javascript and have written a piece of code (pasted below). I am trying to build a little game of Battleship. Think of that game with a grid where you place your ships and start clicking on opponents grid blindly if it will hit any of the opponents ships. Problem is I need to get a function called with the ID of the DIV to be passed as a parameter. When the DIV is programmatically created like below, what will work. This? : --///<.DIV id='whatever' onclick='javascript:function(this.ID)' /> .. I saw sth like that somewhere .. this inside html :S
the js code is: (there are two grids, represented by the parameter - who - ... size of grid is also parametric)
function createPlayGround(rows, who)
var grid = document.getElementById("Grid" + who);
var sqnum = rows * rows;
var innercode = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">';
innercode += '<tr>';
for (i=1;i<=sqnum;i++)
var rowno = Math.ceil(i / rows);
var colno = Math.ceil(i - ((rowno-1)*rows));
innercode += '<td><div id="' + who + '-' + i +'" class="GridBox'+ who +'" onmouseover="javascript:BlinkTarget(' + i + ',' + who +');" onclick="javascript:SelectTarget('+ i + ',' + who +');" >'+ letters[colno - 1] + rowno +'</div></td>';
if (i % rows == 0)
innercode += '</tr><tr>';
innercode += '</tr></table>';
grid.innerHTML = innercode;