



We have recently moved to Delphi 2009. I can't find the TShellListView and TShellTreeView controls. Do I need to install something extra?

From searching the web it seems they are shipped with Delphi 2009 but for some reason they havent been installed.

Has anyone had a similar problem?

Update: This is so unbelivably idiotic. It appears codegear have installed the demos to the allusers section of documents and settings

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos\DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\ShellControls

Answer here


They should be somewhere. Have a look here, for example.

I found that but for some reason mine haven't installed.
Toby Allen
Can you open the help entry? Perhaps there's some note on where to find it.
No entry for it in Help.
Toby Allen
+10  A: 

It looks like this package is not installed by default.

Navigate to Delphi demos (they are in "c:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos" on my machine) and open subfolder DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\ShellControls.

Open and compile vclshlctrls.dproj.

Open and compile dclshlctrls.dproj.

While this last project is still open, right-click on the dclshlctrls120.bpl item in the Project Manager window (View, Project Manager) and select Install from the popup menu. You should see a dialog box informing you of new components. One of them is TShellListView.


Package C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Bpl\dclshlctrls120.bpl has been installed. The following new component(s) have been registered: TShellChangeNotifier, TShellComboBox, TShellListView, TShellTreeView.

New package should now also be visible in the Component, Install Packages window ("Shell Control Property and Component Editors").


I got an error like:

[DCC Warning] vclshlctrls.dpk(36): W1005 Unit 'ShellCtrls' is specific to a platform

Any solution?

That is not an error, just a warning. Warnings can be ignored.
Andreas Rejbrand
Hi Samuel, you should post your question as a seperate question rather than as an answer to this question, you'll get better response.
Toby Allen

I put this answer in my question, but to make it easier to find, I'll put this answer here also, this is the final bit of the puzzle that solved it for me.

This is so unbelivably idiotic. It appears codegear have installed the demos to the allusers section of documents and settings

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos\DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\ShellControls

Answer here

Toby Allen