To able to do proper cross-thread access I'm using a piece of code something like this :
Private Delegate Sub DelSetButton(ByVal button As Button, ByVal label As String, ByVal enabled As Boolean)
Private Sub SetButton(ByVal button As Button, ByVal label As String, ByVal enabled As Boolean)
If InvokeRequired Then
Invoke(New DelSetButton(AddressOf SetButton), button, label, enabled)
button.Enabled = enabled
button.Text = label
End If
End Sub
Which is not lovely.
- I have to create a delegate with the same signature
- I need to write a similar call for each control type or each action I want
I'm using VB.NET 9 / .NET Framework 3.5.
Is there any better way to do it? Or am I stuck with this model?
After the answers I like this one best :
Private Sub ContSetButton(ByVal button As Button, ByVal label As String, ByVal enabled As Boolean)
Invoke(New Action(Of Button, String, Boolean)(AddressOf SetButton), button, label, enabled)
End Sub
Private Sub SetButton(ByVal button As Button, ByVal label As String, ByVal Enabled As Boolean)
button.Text = label
button.Enabled = Enabled
End Sub
Still not perfect but better than what I've done originally.
Feel free to answer if you can make it better than this.