I just had a use case where I needed to split a list into n sublists, so that elements are taken in order from the original list and grouped while the predicate is true for the sublist (when it is false, a new sublist is started). I didn't find this functionality in the standard library, and I thought it was a good exercise to try to solve it in a functional style (as I'm far from a functional guru).
Below is the code I came up with. But I suspect it can be improved a lot. Can you help me find a better way to code this?
class ListWithSplitter[A](val theList:List[A])
private def sublistWhile(list:List[A], pred:(List[A] => Boolean)):(List[A],List[A]) =
def combine(okList:List[A], remaining:List[A], pred:(List[A] => Boolean)):(List[A],List[A]) =
if(pred(okList ::: remaining.head :: Nil))
combine(okList ::: remaining.head :: Nil, remaining.tail, pred)
(okList, remaining)
list match {
case Nil => (Nil, Nil)
case x :: Nil => (list, Nil)
case x :: xs => combine(List(x), xs, pred)
private def combinedSplit(list:List[A], pred:(List[A] => Boolean)):List[List[A]] =
val r = sublistWhile(list, pred)
r match {
case (Nil, Nil) => List(Nil)
case (x, Nil) => List(x)
case (x, y) => x :: combinedSplit(y, pred)
def combinedSplit(pred:(List[A] => Boolean)):List[List[A]] =
combinedSplit(theList, pred)
trait ListCombinedSplit
implicit def list2combSplitter[A](x:List[A]) : ListWithSplitter[A] = new ListWithSplitter(x)
object ListSplitter extends ListCombinedSplit {
def main(args:Array[String])
// sample usage: sum of each sublist is less than 100
val a = List(4, 59, 10, 24, 42, 9, 2, 44, 44, 44, 44)
val b = a combinedSplit { list:List[Int] => ((0 /: list)(_ + _)) < 100 }
b foreach println
Result of sample is:
List(4, 59, 10, 24)
List(42, 9, 2, 44)
List(44, 44)