



Hi, I have a web application where I am getting data from an oracle database in a gridview.

Can anyone tell me how to turn this data into links to other pages on my web application?

For example, if I am getting data about a list of objects that have their own ID, I want to be able to click the ID and go to a page with information on only that object

This is all the code for my gridview, in SystemGrid_Sorting, I get all the info from the databse, so I can't actually define the properties of my columns.

Thanks in advance

asp:GridView ID="SystemGrid" runat="server" AllowSorting="True" Width="232px" OnSorting="SystemGrid_Sorting" >


Essentially, given an ID 1234 you need to turn it into an HTML link like:

<a href="mydomain/myapp/mypage?id=1234">1234</a>

I don't know whether your gridview tool has a built-in method for constructing such links for you?

Tony Andrews

This is very easy:

<asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields="ID"
                    DataTextField="CategoryName" NavigateUrl="DetailPage.aspx" />

Now just set up DetailPage.aspx to call into the database using the ID in the querystring and display whatever you like.

Dave Swersky
This is all the code for my gridview, in SystemGrid_Sorting, I get all the info from the databse.<asp:GridView ID="SystemGrid" runat="server" AllowSorting="True" Width="232px" OnSorting="SystemGrid_Sorting" ></asp:GridView>