I have a custom object that maps a boolean value from a legacy database to a C# bool (and back again).
My custom bool object looks like this:
public class S2kBool : IUserDefinedType {
public bool Value { get; set; }
public Type SupportedType { get { return typeof(string); } }
// These are the values used to represent booleans in the database
public const string TrueValue = "Y";
public const string FalseValue = "N";
public static S2kBool True {
get { return new S2kBool(true); }
public static S2kBool False {
get { return new S2kBool(false); }
public S2kBool() : this(false) { }
public S2kBool(bool value) {
this.Value = value;
// Called when a property of this type is populated from the database
public void FromSimpleDataType(object value) {
this.Value = value.ToString() == TrueValue;
// Called when a property of this type is inserted into the database
public object ToSimpleDataType() {
return this.Value ? TrueValue : FalseValue;
I would like to be able to do something like this:
public class TestObject {
public S2kBool IsActive = S2kBool.True;
TestObject tObj = new TestObject();
if (tObj.IsActive == S2kBool.True) {
// the above would evaluate to true
I've seen a few different methods for doing comparisons between objects, but I'm not sure of which one to use.
EDIT: Better yet, would it be possible to do something like the following and have C# treat the S2kBool object as an actual Boolean during comparison? It should also allow comparisons with other S2kBool objects, as well.
if (tObj.IsActive == true) { ... }