I'm using a Custom IPrincipal
and IIdentity
to do authorization. I set the Principal
and Identity
during the PostAuthenticateRequest
event using an IHttpModule
The web.config looks approximately like the following:
<allow verbs="GET,POST" roles="domain\group"/>
<deny verbs="*" users="*"/>
<location path="~/admin/user_search.aspx">
<allow verbs="GET,POST" roles="admin"/>
<deny verbs="*" users="*"/>
The Problem
When making a request the IPrincipal.IsInRole
method gets called once to check domain\group
but doesn't get called again to check the admin
role. What is causing this? Do I have the location
syntax incorrect or is there a deeper issue?
I thought initially that the web.config in the admin directory was overriding the web.config in the root directory, but I've tried removing it altogether as well as using it for the location
element. Neither have worked so far.