




I have a category table which has a foreign key to it self by a nullable parentId field. In Entity-Framework when a relation is created, the entity is generated without any relation fields. I mean, in my example when I created a parentId-Id relation in Category table, the generated Category Entity will have an int typed Id property and a Category typed ParentCategory property and no ParentId property. And this makes my queries harder.

So, I have a trouble when I want to select the subcategories of a category. I use the method below for that;

public IEnumerable<ICategory> GetSubCategories(long? categoryId)
    var subCategories = this.Repository.Category.Where(c => c.ParentCategory.Id == categoryId)

    return subCategories;

But this does not work, when I want to select the root categories. What is the way of doing this?

By the way, I wonder if there is a way to generate entities like in Linq to Sql, with an int typed Id property, an int typed ParentId and a Category typed ParentCategory property.


To select the root categories:

var rootCategories = this.Repository.Category.Where(c => c.ParentCategory == null).ToList().Cast<ICategory>();

To generalize the code to work with both sub & root categories:

var rootCategories = this.Repository.Category.Where(c => categoryId == null ? c.ParentCategory == null : c => c.ParentCategory.Id == categoryId).ToList().Cast<ICategory>();
Buu Nguyen
When c.ParentCategory is null this will throw NullReferenceException.
You should check which object is null in the thrown exception and post here, together with the code you use.
Buu Nguyen
I change my data access method to linq2sql. So, I can't give you the code. But I could say that there are some categories which has no parent! So, that will make this query to throw a NullReferenceException for that categories.
well, the c.ParentCategory == null is to select those category without no parent. Should not throw exception there. Anyway, since you don't have the code, I don't know if I could help...
Buu Nguyen