



I'm having a bit of an unusual problem with an extended version of the ASP.NET GridView control that I am working. It is rendering all of the text applied to it just fine, but is not rendering any the style properties that are set. For example, if I set the AlternatingRowStyle to use a gray background, the gray background is not being rendered. However, if I pass the same data set and property to the vanilla GridView control, the background is rendered correctly.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


Wild guess: are your styles defined as themes?

Andrew Robinson
I don't think so, I updated the question with how the control is declared.

Alright, I'm sure this should have been obvious at first, but after using the class debugging technique of "comment stuff until it starts working" I managed to isolate the issue to being due to having data binding column generation code in RenderContents. Which leads me to believe that I was missing a call in that code, but the code to OnPreRender corrected the issue.
