You can use the ReportingService2005 API to get the datasource used by a particular report.
You need the full path of the report (which I assume you have), and then use it to query the reporting service for its data source (API).
// rs = ReportingService2005 that you need to set up.
DataSource ds;
DataSources dataSources = rs.GetItemDataSources(item);
// item is a string containing the full path to the report.
dataSources = rs.GetItemDataSources(item);
ds = dataSources[0];
The ds in the code above is either a DataSourceDefinition or a
DataSourceReference. If it's a definition you can just cast it into that type and then get the connection string using the following code.
DataSourceDefinition dsd = ds as DataSourceDefinition();
if(dsd == null)
throw new Exception();
String connectionString = dsd.ConnectString;
If it's a datasourcereference you need to check out the API.