We have a performance measurement module that relies on HttpModule and HttpHandlers and works like this:
- Request comes in to server for a page.
- HttpModule_Begin writes start time in the cookie.
- HttpModule_End writes end time in the cookie.
- On client, when page load is finished, fire off a special request via AJAX that is handled by HttpHandler_ProcessRequest
- In HttpHandler_ProcessRequest subtract DateTime.Now from end time written by the previous HttpModule_End (which is stored in the cookie) and store it in the database. One thing I forgot to mention: all data is shared via a cookie, so the HttpHandler, just pulls the data from the cookie without any session id's, etc... All participants are in the same time zone.
This process works fine for most cases, but there are some instances that report network time in excess of an hour! This indicates a very large passage of time between the the writing of end time and firing off the AJAX request or a large passage of time between firing off AJAX request and the time it gets to the app server. I am trying to figure what could be causing this issues in the wild. Why does the operation not simply time out?