This link has all information you want to know.
UPDATE: Here is a minimum working sample for integrated authentication with SQL Server. You should use the ConnectionProperties of the table object to set connection parameters.
Dim app As New CRAXDDRT.Application
Dim rpt As CRAXDDRT.Report
Dim tbl As CRAXDDRT.DatabaseTable
Dim tbls As CRAXDDRT.DatabaseTables
Set rpt = app.OpenReport("C:\report\repotest.rpt")
For Each tbl In rpt.Database.Tables
tbl.ConnectionProperties.Add "Provider", "SQLOLEDB"
tbl.ConnectionProperties.Add "Data Source", "localhost"
tbl.ConnectionProperties.Add "Initial Catalog", "testdb"
tbl.ConnectionProperties.Add "Integrated Security", "True" ' cut for sql authentication
'tbl.ConnectionProperties.Add "User Id", "myuser" ' add for sql authentication
'tbl.ConnectionProperties.Add "Password", "mypass" ' add for sql authentication
Next tbl
'This removes the schema from the Database Table's Location property.
Set tbls = rpt.Database.Tables
For Each tbl In tbls
With tbl
.Location = .Name
End With
'View the report
Viewer.ReportSource = rpt