Are they all this complex? :
Just need something basic to produce XML in C.
Are they all this complex? :
Just need something basic to produce XML in C.
MiniXML might be what you're looking for, if you need something simple, easy, and C:
Mini-XML: Lightweight XML Library
Mini-XML is a small XML library that you can use to read and write XML and XML-like data files in your application without requiring large non-standard libraries. Mini-XML only requires an ANSI C compatible compiler (GCC works, as do most vendors' ANSI C compilers) and a 'make' program.
However, there are a ton of them ranging in complexity and needs. MiniXML is nice in that it doesn't require more than a simple Ansi C compiler. A lot of them require other libraries, or specific compilers.
The lightest way to produce XML in C is printf. There are definitely plenty of possible issues that could arise by doing it all yourself though, such as properly escaping xml entities.
The easiest way to make XML in C is the high-quality and free genx from Tim Bray:
[link text][1]
[1]: "libxml2" is an extensive C API for XML. [link text][1]
[1]: "xmlsec" is a nice security compliment on top of libxml2.
I like libxml. Here is an example of use:
#include <libxml/parser.h>
xmlNodePtr root, node;
xmlDocPtr doc;
xmlChar *xmlbuff;
int buffersize;
/* Create the document. */
doc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0");
root = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "root");
/* Create some nodes */
node = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, BAD_CAST "node", NULL);
node = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "inside", NULL);
node = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, BAD_CAST "othernode", NULL);
/* Put content in a node: note there are special characters so
encoding is necessary! */
xmlEncodeSpecialChars(doc, BAD_CAST "text con&tent and <tag>"));
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root);
/* Dump the document to a buffer and print it for demonstration purposes. */
xmlDocDumpFormatMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize, 1);
printf((char *) xmlbuff);
Compiled with 'gcc -Wall -I/usr/include/libxml2 -c create-xml.c && gcc -lxml2 -o create-xml create-xml.o', this program will display:
% ./create-xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<othernode>text con&tent and <tag></othernode>
For a real example, see my implementation of RFC 5388.