



I'm looking for some statistics on the usage/popularity/availability/etc of object relational mapping frameworks (ORMs).

An example might be how the number of downloads of a specific ORM has changed over time.

Does anyone know of any such statistics?

Edit: A little clarification: The reason I want the statistics is to be able to back up statements about the increased popularity of ORM frameworks in general, so any statistics about any framework would be appreciated, but if it is a printed source that would be awesome.


Why? If you want to use an ORM, just use it. If you don't like it, stop using it.

Who cares what other people are doing? What's popular is not always right.

jrock you might want to delete this and turn it into a comment...
+1  A: 

Would also be interested in that, have looked for it too. A bit related but not answering your question, this a article comparing iBATIS Hibernate and JPA, as I assume your out for selecting a framework... iBATIS, Hibernate, and JPA: Which is right for you?

+1  A: 

For NHibernate you can enter Sourceforge page an see the statistics of downloads. With your Sourceforge account you can navigate to

There is a downloads menu with a statistics link...

You can see there more than 10.000 downloads for NH GA every month...

+1  A: 

You could use Google Trends.

The only problem with that is you can't put in something like "hibernate" without qualification as you get too many false positives. Still interesting though.

+1  A: 

You could look at JobStats to see the skills that UK job adverts are asking for.

Ian Ringrose
HR/recruiter types tend to throw in all the latest buzzwords/acronyms even when they're not remotely relevant (it makes their job look better). Having worked in the UK, I found it particularly prevelant there. Makes figures like that misleading.