I'm using jQuery and jqGrid.
I'm trying to populate a select list dynamically, one for each row and I need to add a click event to it. When the select list is being populated I grab the index of the item I want selected, and then after all items are add I'm trying to set the selected item.
I've tried
$("#taskList")[0].selectedIndex = taskIndex;
$("#taskList").selectOptions(taskIndex, true);
$("#taskList").val(1); //Tried to see if I could select any index and no luck.
$("#taskList option[value=" + taskIndex + "]").attr("selected", true);
So this means I'm probably populating the list incorrectly...
var taskList = document.createElement("select");
var taskIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < result.TaskTypes.length; i++) {
$(taskList).addOption(result.TaskTypes[i].TaskId, result.TaskTypes[i].TaskName);
if (result.TaskTypes[i].TaskName == rowData.TaskType)
taskIndex = i;
Is there a better way?
I tried this but I couldn't add the click event to it. The proper item was selected though.
var taskList = "<select name='taskList' Enabled='true'>";
for (var i = 0; i < result.TaskTypes.length; i++) {
if (result.TaskTypes[i].TaskName == rowData.TaskType)
taskList += "<option selected> " + result.TaskTypes[i].TaskName + "</option>";
taskList += "<option>" + result.TaskTypes[i].TaskName + "</option>";
taskList += "</select>";