



+1  A: 

Edit: My answer is wrong, I answered with a different context in mind. However, I'm leaving it because the info could be useful for when you need to show a loading/progress bar.

He is using: http://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/update_automatically_preload_images_from_css_with_jquery/.

However, he is not using its full capabilities (checkout the demo at the above URL). The loading bar is just an animated gif file. I think you can get it at http://ajaxload.info.

Hope that helps. :)

+2  A: 

He is using jQuery's ajaxStart and ajaxStop


This basically allows him to show this loading image while any asynchronous call is being made.

Ian Robinson
+3  A: 

If you take a look at the site using firebug, you can see that the author is using the jQuery JavaScript framework to implement the loading bar.

The relevant code, found in the http://www.cssjockey.com/wp-content/themes/cj_pro/scripts/custom.js script in the <head> section


where loading is the id for the div containing the loading gif image

Russ Cam
+4  A: 

Hi Raymond, I have written a post to take the mystery out. Check this out and implement it on your website, let me know if you need any help ;)



Mohit Aneja (CJ)
