



I'm developing a generator to create a C# API wrapper for Facebook's API. I'm just about finished with the basic coding, except that there doesn't seem to be any well-formed declaration of the method signatures of all the API methods.

I can parse the schema for the element types to figure out what the names of all the methods are (they're anything at the end that ends with _response - they all have a corresponding method). The signatures are documented on their wiki, but there doesn't seem to be a single place they're all defined, as in a schema.

Any suggestions, besides screen scraping the wiki?

One step closer: All the signatures seem to be defined in JSON on the API Test Console page. Of course, this doesn't help with typing, but having it all in once place makes it a bit less work if I'm going to screen scrape.


There is a Facebook XSD at It defines the full schema and has the information you are looking for neatly packaged. No need to screen scrape :-p

Dustin Fineout
Yup, and I linked to that in my question, saying "The signatures are documented on their wiki, but there doesn't seem to be a single place they're all defined, as in a schema." The XSD does not have the signatures of the methods defined, only the types that are returned.
Daniel Schaffer