



I read an interesting blog entry by K. Scott Allen regarding software development "Never Events". I thought this would be a good subject to bring up in this forum. For this particular question I would like to focus on the "Never Events" that are the most important to avoid in a software development project. Please answer with a single "Never Event" per answer so that we can see the most heinous events bubble to the top.

Never events must be

  1. Measurable
  2. Avoidable
  3. Have serous implications.
+1  A: 

"Let's get the prototype ready, the design document/UT can wait."

I disagree. A prototype is often a much clearer way to communicate the design to a customer. If you spend a lot of effort on a document and then show the customer your prototype, the effort may be in vain. Of course it's important to write the documentation after the prototype is approved.
A prototype is an embodiment of the principles you choose. But that's just me, I guess.
The prototype may be a good way to quickly show something to the customer in requirements definition, but even the agile camp says you're supposed to throw it away. The problems is when prototype becomes production.
Bernard Dy
Prototyping is ok. Prototyping without documentation is not.
+8  A: 

Releasing something that has not gone through QA.

I most often see this happening when the development company has signed a contract to pay a substantial fine if the software is not delivered on time. Usually such contracts don't explicitly define the quality level or content of the deliverable, so the easiest way out is to deliver a complete mess without daring to consider the backlash.

not a never - the risk may sometimes justify the early release, especially if the current system isn't working...
If the current system isn't working, wouldn't that mean that you already broke the "never" already? Two wrongs doesn't make it right.
no - even with all the will in the world prod systems will break. sometimes this is because someone else gave you incorrect information, something you have very little control over. I can think of several examples...
@ShuggyCoUk: The risks are never justified, this shouldn't happen. Not ever.
I've personally done this and gained several hundred thousand dollars of value for my company. This is not a *NEVER* and you should never try to work in finance you wouldn't last long.
@ShuggyCoUk: You're right, it depends on the environment. I steer away from finance, you keep clear of the pharmaceutical industry ;-)
+4  A: 

Work overnight to have a release the next day.

When you have a "sev 0" issue at a customer, this does happen. So unless your never event is "don't have any defects that could stop a customer", this isn't a never event.
But it shouldn't happen. You may keep the deadline, but the risk of introducing severe bugs is rising exponentially. Not worth it.
definitely not a never - clearly never worked in finance...
It would be a never if we are talking scheduled releases...there are always going to be cicumstances the require emergency releases. Normally customers should be made aware that you're not going hit a scheduled release date well in advance and then the release date will change.
Michael Prewecki
+23  A: 

This code isn't in source control

+1 When I was on a conference call with a big name hardware manufacturer once we asked them what source control they were using for the drivers they were providing us, and they honestly said "A USB key".
Andrew Barrett
+1  A: 

We could patch and release without testing if that would be quicker ...

+12  A: 

Releasing code immediately before a business critical time, ie Christmas for retail, or exam time for education.

+3  A: 

A client of a brokerage house should never log into the web site with their userid/password and see someone else's data.

Of course, this applies to a lot of other businesses, too.

Don Branson
strcat(dst, src);
That would mean that every error in your code is a 'never event', which does not fit into the concept outlined in the blog.
an answer like this should never happen. ;)
Don Branson
Why the downvote? This fits the blog post very well. This is measurable (can be found by a text search, and some compilers like Microsoft's issue already a warning for it), avoidable, and has potentially serious implications (buffer overruns).
It's a simple bug. Certainly not 'most important to avoid in a software development project'.
It's a potential security hole, not just a simple bug. And we're looking for a list of items, not the single most important one. I'd say buffer overruns are at least on the top 25 list of "most important to avoid in a software development project."
+1  A: 

Using timestamps as a means of versioning .NET assemblies.

Michael Prewecki
Why not? (For the record: I have never done that, I just would like an explanation ;-)
Because in the .NET world having the same version number for different builds can cause problems for GAC'd components.
Michael Prewecki
But a different build would for sure have a different timestamp, wouldn't it? Or did you mean just using the current date?
Yes it totally has a different timestamp but if an interface changes then any consumers of those interfaces need to know that they can not use the new interface and must use the old version.
Michael Prewecki
if you use the timestamp as a cut through the source system trunk then this is fine (if messy, an explicit tag is more informative and less susceptible to forgetting which release had which timestamp.
It's not fine in .NET if you change a method prototype you will bring down any client not expecting the change... and not gracefully. Where as changing the version will at best have no effect on the unsuspecting client and at worst prevent it starting.
Michael Prewecki
+8  A: 

Releasing a "quick" bug fix to a live system during heavy user load without proper testing.

Of course you only know that you did not have proper testing when it has failed.

The deployment of a product is not performed by the team that created the software, but given to someone from another team.

(Happened to my boss this week...)

-1 In a an environment where a separate operations department exists, and where security is a serious concern, developers should never be allowed to touch a production system. Though they may sit beside or on the phone with operations during deployment.
@ScottS: You misunderstood me - it's not another operational department, the software was developed by another dev team, and we were given the deployment task.
Ok, forcing deployment on someone else "just cause" should never happen. I'd retract my minus vote, but it won't let me.
@ScottS: Well, my answer could have been more clear, so I guess it's my fault ;-)
+1  A: 

Documentation for the code ?
What for ?
The code is clear enough to be self-documenting... ;)

+4  A: 

We don't have time to test.

+3  A: 

In the style of the linked article where mistaken identity (of body parts, people) features heavily

Never perform an action on a production box thinking it is Test/DR.

This means:

  • hardware naming should be clear and consistent.
  • logins to production box must be controlled and use least privilege required
+2  A: 

"In order to begin to develop on the source code you need : install a website by copy/paste on your machine, create a new database, change your config file, create a directory in this and this directory, set another directory in read-only, install this product etc..."

Keep it simple ! A script should be present in the SCC to set the dev environment in one step.

Nicolas Dorier
+6  A: 

Making manual configuration changes to builds for different enviornments..

+8  A: 

Refactoring without unit tests.

-1 Having unit tests is ideal, but if you don't have them, you probably need to refactor in order to build some reasonable tests. Even if you will never write tests refactoring can still be good, just much more difficult.
+10  A: 

The never-ending crunch mode. See e.g. the "EA spouse" story.

Even in a healthy company people must sometimes put in some extra effort and work overtime. This can be a good thing that strengthens the team spirit if everybody toil together, beat the deadline, and can then go home and get some rest.

But when everything is critical all the time, people stop caring and become less efficient than if there were no deadline at all. The worst way of doing this is moving people from one project that's just ending its crunch into another project that's just beginning its crunch.

I agree with your post, but as an aside, Warren Spector in lectures on computer game careers said of the EA Spouse thing that if it wasn't for young men working intense hours, there might not ever have been a computer game industry.
Bernard Dy
+1  A: 

Make no effort to perform sufficient business analysis and keep the business engaged thoroughly from initial design through support and beyond.

In fact, don't require developers to have any basic understanding of the domain they're dealing with either. They need to be good at zeroes and ones and that's all. And the business people don't have to be stakeholders in the design, testing, and support of the system, they just need to do their business and that's all.

Bernard Dy
+2  A: 

breaking the build...

+1  A: 

Failure to focus on the customer(s).

It matters not whether the customer is:

  • Real or Notional
  • Individual or Group
  • Internal or External
  • Paying, Charging your time to a project or getting it for free.
  • Even yourself!

This does not mean the customer is always right. If you think they are wrong feel free to talk to them and see if you can improve but you should talk to them and listen to what they have to say.

You can deliver the most robust, wonderful, brilliant, elegant system which is utterly useless to the people for whom it was intended. IF you cannot repurpose the solution to another customer then you have actually done worse than a quick and dirty ineffective solution since you will have wasted more of your and the customer's time getting to the same (non functional) point.

If you have multiple differing customers the general advice still holds true but then the subjective (and possibly political) elements specific to that situation mean it's much too complex for a 'Never'.

+1  A: 

Sending cleartext passwords

Anon Guy

No maintenance documentation.


Business plan? We'll figure that out after it's popular...
