I'd like to build a regular expression assembly of common regex I must use in my project. I use these regular expressions to match a pattern and to replace it. I use this piece of code who builds the assembly.
AssemblyName an = new AssemblyName("MyRegExp");
RegexCompilationInfo[] rciList = {
new RegexCompilationInfo(@"\<b\>(.+?)\<\/b\>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, "BoldCode", "MyRegExp", true),
new RegexCompilationInfo(@"\<i\>(.+?)\<\/i\>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, "ItalicCode", "MyRegExp", true)
Regex.CompileToAssembly(rciList, an);
But, I can't find where to specify the replace string. In fact, I'll use these regexp to replace the tags in a html file by . So, the replace string is also constant.
I don't want the calling assembly to specify the replace string as it's always the same, accross different calling assemblies.
Thanks in advance for any advise, Fabian
Maybe I misexplained what I need to do. I have several regular expression that are always replaced with the same pattern. I replace all string with string, string with string, and so on.
The compiled regex are great, but I miss the replacement pattern in the compiled assembly. I managed to build a workaround with a Helper class the build an array of Tranformation.
My initial question was more this: is it a way to specifiy in the compiled regex the replacement string?