




Usually, if you need to set a style attribute in JavaScript, you say something like:

element.style.attribute = "value";

There are slight variations but usually the attribute name is a similar, albeit camelcased, version of the HTML attribute name.

The problem for me is that the float attribute doesn't work. Float is a keyword in JavaScript and so style.float makes all the JavaScript for the page break. I looked in MSDN, and it said to use styleFloat like so:

element.style.styleFloat = "value";

That only works in IE. Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera - none of them seem to have an answer. Where am I going wrong? There has to be a simple answer to this.

+2  A: 

Use cssFloat as in...

element.style.cssFloat = "value";

That works in everything except IE, but you can always detect the browser and switch, or just set them both. Unfortuantely, there is no way to set just one style value to work in all browsers.

So to summarize, everyone you need to set the float, just say:

element.style.styleFloat = "value";
element.style.cssFloat = "value";

That should work everywhere.

Holy shit, that was fast. Thanks for the answer! Stackoverflow.com rocks.
Larden Hughes

i spent more than 2 days on this thing...
