



Related to a previous issue that I thought was resolved and actually isn't...

My Visual Studio 2008 installation may be a bit messed up, I think.

  1. When my ASP.NET project is set up to use VS Dev Server with a fixed port, I get the "Port in use" error described in the linked question.
  2. When my project is set up to use a random (auto-assigned) port number, it works, but it launches the browser using a port number 3 less than the actual Dev Server port number (e.g. if the port number is 1903, the browser launches to http://localhost:1900/)
  3. If I make changes to the project settings, they do not "take" until I save and restart Visual Studio.

Any ideas how to track this one down?


+2  A: 


The port number is stored in the .sln file. So, I'd blow that away the solution file first, re-create it and see what happens. If that doesn't help, I'd then move onto the web.config file and blow that away and start again too.

+7  A: 

First try to kill all "WebDev.WebServer.exe" processes.

  • In Solution Explorer, click the name of the application.
  • In the Properties pane, click the down-arrow beside Use dynamic ports and select False from the dropdown list.This will enable editing of the Port number property.
  • In the Properties pane, click the text box beside Port number and type in a port number.
  • Click outside of the Properties pane. This saves the property settings.

Hope this helps

+33  A: 


I had a similar problem which hit my 2 main machines at the same time. On investigating I found it to be related to the Eset personal security (guessing a recent update messed something up). To solve it I excluded VS2008 from the active browser filtering - this is in: setup -> advanced firewall setup -> antivirus & anti spyware -> web access protection -> HTTP -> webbrowsers

Deselecting vsdev in here fixed the problem - interestingly enough disabling the firewall and antivirus / antispyware did not solve the issue, so it is worth looking for a similar setting if you are running different security software

Aha! I also have Eset! We may be on the trail!
Indeed, it was Eset, and your instructions were spot on! Congratulations, you got the bounty!
Thank you :) solved that strange problem from the first look too :)
It also worked for me, thanks, almost one day lost because of this issue
Jhonny D. Cano -Leftware-
Macros - please visit and leave an answer there to claim credit for solving that one too.
Thanks ofr the credit Shaul!
Yet another firewall / security product causes more time lost and damage than the very thing they are there to protect. ;)
Chris Lively
Dear GOD this is why I love StackOverflow. This was my problem exactly. THANK YOU!
Whew. Thanks a lot StackOverflow! ESet you are a strange ... !