



I'm building a custom user control. One of the properties must allow the end user to select the numeric data type such as int, short, long, double....

I'm having a problem figuring out what to use as an internal property type, so that when the user selects the DataType option in the property box it will give them a drop down list of all the numeric types.

I've tried a few variances... This one below, when compiled displays the DataType property as grayed out. It won't allow me to select or enter a value.

   private System.ValueType _DataType;
   public System.ValueType DataType

       get { return _DataType; }

           _DataType = value;

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


The property editor has no idea how to edit the type. The easiest way to fix it is to use a type it does know how to edit, like a string or an enum. Enum probably fits best with what you are trying to accomplish.

I would rather not use an enum, especially since the numeric data types are a system stuct. Also the enums don't like to have reserved words used in them. Their must be a way to sovle this easily.???
I wouldn't call it easy but you can create a custom editor for a custom type in a propertygird. shows how its done.

I ended up using an enum - I think their should be a better answer than this. Same functionality is found when designing datasets in the designer. When you select the data type you can choose int and others.
