I have a web application that's currently running under Tomcat 5.5.25. I'm attempting to port it to Jetty 6 to take advantage of the rapid refresh time for jsp and UI changes especially.
Since my JSP files are JSP 2.0 compliant, I'm running jetty under maven using the configuration suggested on the maven jetty plugin web site. This config loads apache's jasper JSP compiler version 5.5.15. (Also available in the maven respository is 5.5.23, but it has the same result.)
Under jetty, my home page, which is configured using tiles, blows up with IllegalStateException in ServletResponseWrapperInclude.getOutputStream(). Obviously under Tomcat it doesn't do this.
I'm struggling to understand what it is about our tiles and includes that would cause jasper to complain in jetty and not in Tomcat.