



I am able to find the cursor position. But I need to find out if the mouse is stable. If the mouse wasn't moved for more than 1 minute, then we have to alert the user.

How its possible, are there any special events for this? (Only for IE in javascript)

+1  A: 

Is there not a way to set a timer to start incrementing after every mouse movement event?

If it gets to a minute then pop up the message box, but every time the mouse moves the timer gets reset.

+1  A: 

Use a timer that resets its value on mousemove event. If timer reaches 1 minute --> Do something.

More info on timer here
And more info on catchin mouse events here

Peter Gfader

You can use the onmousemove event. Inside it, clearTimeout(), and setTimeout(your_warning, 1 minute).


You could use this script/snippet to detect the mouse pointer position and "remember" it. Then use a timer "setTimeout(...)" to check the position let's say every second and remember that time.

If more than one minute passed and the position hasn't changed, you could alert the user.

+8  A: 

Set a timeout when the mouse is moved one minute into the future, and if the mouse is moved, clear the timeout:

var timeout;
document.onmousemove = function(){
  timeout = setTimeout(function(){alert("move your mouse");}, 60000);
I see a potential problem: Every call to setTimeout returns a number for a counter. When will it wrap around and what happens then? I suggest a setInterval(update,1000) instead, where 'update' increments a variable that the onmousemove event resets. If the variable gets over 60 in update, alert user
+1  A: 

Yes, you have a onmousemove event in Javascript, so to achieve what you need you just have to do code something like this:

element.onmousemove = stopTimer(); //this stops and resets the timer

You can use it on the document body tag for instance.

UPDATE: @Marius has achieved a better example than this one.
